Putting in a Door

I spent about 10 years living on a hobby farm.  Living there taught me a lot of things: the difference between time and calendars, how to be carried by nature instead of getting run over trying to control it, what hard work looks like, what community looks like… and sooooo much home maintenance.  Stuff wears …


  I woke up yesterday thinking about what I wanted to write.  And today, same.  Yesterday I stayed in bed for a while, enjoying being able to puzzle through ideas under the warm sheets, knowing it was -15F outside.  Today, I didn’t lounge – even though it was even colder outside.  I got out of …

My Septic Fixation

  I am sure we’ve all been there.  Trying to stay out of sight from a second-floor window, while surreptitiously watching, enraptured, as the septic guy installs the new drainfield.   That’s a thing everyone does, right?   How could you not get caught up?   Right? It’s an amazing thing to behold.  How did he know exactly …

On Grading

 I want to write about grading – but not the kind of grading that results in scores or letters A-F (excluding, for whatever reason, ‘E’).  I have something to say about a kind of grading few people think about anymore – and even fewer understand.  If you have lived your life on paved roadways, you …