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Garage Monkeys
Garage Monkeys. That is how Pirsig and Crawford describe them. Each writes about a different species: Pirsig about repair techs who lack arete and Crawford about the middle…
4 min read
The Click
It’s one of my favorite parts of a repair job: a symbolic transition, instantiated in the physical act of switching the ratchet from “loosen” to “tighten.” In terms…
4 min read
On Grading
I want to write about grading – but not the kind of grading that results in scores or letters A-F (excluding, for whatever reason, ‘E’). I have something…
4 min read
Conceptually Impacted
I feel constipated. I know, I am not supposed to talk openly about such things in polite company (whatever the fuck “polite company” is). But the truth is…
4 min read
What is it… I’m doing here? It’s hard to say. I don’t mean that I am unsure what I am doing. I’m pretty clear in my purpose. It’s…
4 min read
Life (and Writing) Lessons from EVH
Eddie Van Halen died a couple of weeks ago. What follows is, I suppose, something of a tribute to him – though that is not why I wrote…
4 min read