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Into the Tapestry
Into the Tapestry My students and colleagues nominated me for a thing. And I am a little overwhelmed. A lot overwhelmed. The kinds of things they are saying…
4 min read
Stuck on the Near Side of Mt. Stupid
For the better part of a decade, John Cleese had a recurring role as the A.D. White Professor-at-large, at Cornell University. And, by “role”, I mean faculty gig. …
4 min read
My Out of Office Message
Anne Lamott said “almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you.” So I am unplugging for the next week. At least,…
4 min read
My Wonderments
I’ve been making students do this for a few years and it is probably time I complete my own assignment. I 100% stole this (with permission) from Andy…
4 min read
The Reification Pacification
Ascribing a name to something makes people feel that the object, so-named, is a real thing – and importantly thing-y in some way. I suppose I had noticed…
4 min read
Disburdening an Over-Full Plate
A new school year is starting. Someone once told me the beginning of the school year was like a freight train. It is massive and has so much…
4 min read